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Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

The Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment works to support and improve conditions for teaching and learning across the district!

Curriculum News and Updates

Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment, and Professional Development

Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment are the vehicles educators and schools use to drive learning.  In Westport, staff at all levels continuously adjust their practice based on the data produced by these components of education.  In the recent past, teachers reviewed and revised their teaching units using the Understanding by Design (UbD) framework. 

This year, we are focused on literacy across all subjects.  Our goal is to amplify our students’ reading, math, civics, history, science, digital, and financial literacy.  We have adopted the Reading Wonders program at the elementary school; professional development for this implementation will be ongoing.  We are diving into the research and learning around “The Science of Reading,” so we can make the best use of our time in the classroom with learners, and we are personalizing instruction by incorporating the best of what we learned during virtual learning over the past couple years.  

ST Math, STEAM, and project-based learning engage our learners each day, at all levels. These are just some of the high-quality programs, habits of mind, and instructional strategies that Westport students benefit from each day.

Professional Development here in Westport creates a through-line that connects staff to the learning they need to engage, connect with, and teach each child who walks through our doors.


Grants Management 

Several grants fall under the purview of the Office of Curriculum, including program-specific grants such as Project Lead the Way, in addition to the federal Entitlements (Titles I, II, IV). The Office of Curriculum works to support the interests of teachers and district leaders when grant opportunities are identified.


The Office of Curriculum also works with school and district leaders to ensure that the District is in compliance with important state and federal regulations, and also to ensure that the District maintains a strong reputation in the eyes of all stakeholders, from parents and families to DESE.

The Curriculum Director regularly meets with staff at all levels, visits classrooms, and investigates current research and best practices to ensure that WCS lives up to our mission and vision.

Parents and Families:

Learn about Massachusetts learning expectations by exploring the new Family Guides to the Standards, from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. The Family Guides cover some of the learning standards that every student will master in each grade and how families can help them achieve these learning goals! Guides include standards for English Language Arts, Math, and Science and Technology/Engineering.



To access the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks in their entirety, please visit Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's website.