New Hires
Welcome to Westport Community Schools! As a new hire, there are several documents that you'll need to complete prior to being fully on-boarded as an employee. This packet is available from the Human Resources Office and must be picked up at the Administration Office. The entrance to the Administration Office is located at the awning in the back of the building of 17 Main Rd., Westport, Massachusetts (old Westport High School building). Office hours to pick-up a packet are from 8:00am to 3:30pm.
Are you related to an employee of the Westport Community Schools or a School Committee Member?!
Do you have a child who attends the Westport Community Schools?
Will a family member be directly supervising you as an employee of Westport Community Schools?
YOU MAY NEED TO COMPLETE AN ETHICS DISCLOSURE FORM! Please contact Human Resources if you answered YES to any of the above questions!
MA State Ethics Commission Disclosure Forms
Important Documents
- Authorization Release
- CORI 2024–2025
- Employee Emergency Form
- EPIMS Data for New Hires
- EPIMS Data Sheet
- Exempt Staff Application Memo
- FAQs Regarding Background Checks Law
- Fingerprinting - Memo
- FY23-24 Payroll Schedule
- I-9 Forms and Acceptable Documents
- IJKA Digital Technology Acceptable Use Policy
- Intern Confidentiality Agreement
- MIIA EAP Flyer
- Summary of Conflict of Interest Law
- Summary of Ethics Law Acknowledgement Form
- Support Staff Application Memo
- Teacher & Nurse Appreciation Memo