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Health Services

Dear Parents and Guardians:

In accordance with Massachusetts General Law, the health offices will be conducted mandated screenings throughout the school year.  These screenings are not intended to be diagnostic but to create an awareness of health issues that may require further evaluation from your primary care provider.

The screenings are designated by grade as follows:

  1. Hearing screening:  Preschool, Kindergarten, Grades 1–3, Grade 7, Grade 10
  2. Vision screening:  Preschool, Kindergarten, Grades 1–5, Grade 7, Grade 10
  3. Postural screening: Grades 5–9
  4. Body Mass Index (BMI) including height, and weight: Grades 1, 4, 7, and 10
  5. SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment) regarding substance use: Grades 7 and 9
  • You will be informed only if your child’s screening indicates concern and need for referral to your primary care provider. A notice will be sent home requesting you contact your child’s physician to arrange for appropriate follow up.
  • Parents will only receive notification of the BMI results if they request it by contacting the school nurse.
  • Parents and guardians who do not wish for their child to participate in any part of the screening program must send a written request to the school nurse.

If you have any questions, please direct them to your child’s school nurse. We thank you for your cooperation.


Westport Community Schools Nursing Staff

Start of the Year Notice to Families: 
Medication:  All medications should be given at home when possible.  PLEASE DO NOT SEND MEDICATION TO SCHOOL WITH A CHILD.  A RESPONSIBLE ADULT NEEDS TO TRANSPORT ALL MEDICATIONS TO / FROM SCHOOL.  Any medication that a student will take in school (whether an over-the-counter or prescription medication) requires an order from a physician in order for the student to receive the medication at school.  Medication brought into school MUST be in the original packaging with pharmacy label.  A parental consent form is also required.  Both of these forms can be found at by choosing the “Health Office” link on the left hand side.  The forms are attachments at the bottom of the Health office webpage.  You may also obtain copies of these forms from the school nurse.  
Illnesses:  Please do not send your child to school when signs of an illness such as a temperature of 100.0 or greater, persistent cough, vomiting or unknown rashes are present.  If your child has a fever or is dismissed from school with a fever then they should return to school only after remaining fever free without the use of fever reducing medications such as Tylenol/Motrin for a FULL 24 hours.  Students that are dismissed with a fever must stay home the following day to allow for the 24 hour requirement.
Notify the school nurse if your child contracts any infection or contagious condition such as: strep throat, conjunctivitis (pink eye), scarlet fever, chickenpox, mononucleosis, or whooping cough.
Injuries:  Notify the school nurse if your child has a significant injury that requires a consult with a health care provider/physician.  If your child is under an orthopedic doctor’s care, clearance will be needed to return to physical education activity.  When you visit the orthopedic physician he/she can provide you with the necessary paperwork to forward to the school.  If your student has a head injury or is diagnosed with a concussion, please call to discuss this with the school nurse. Remember that if a student is unable to participate in physical education then they will also need to stay inside during outdoor recess period and refrain from physical activity during the recess period. 
Physical Examination Requirements:  A physical examination is required for all students entering Preschool, entering Kindergarten or upon transferring into Westport Community Schools.  We also require a physical exam in Grades 3, 6 and 9.  If a physical is required for your child this school year, please send in a copy of their physical exam. Notices will be sent home if a copy of your child’s physical exam has not been received.  The school physician is available late winter/early spring and will perform the physical exam if you wish.
Screening: Vision Screenings are done in Preschool, Kindergarten, Grades 1-5, Grade 7 and Grade 10.   Hearing Screenings are done in Preschool, Kindergarten, Grades 1-3, Grade 7 and Grade 10.  Postural Screenings are done in Grades 5-9.  Parents will be notified of any concern with a screening that necessitates a medical follow-up with your own physician or optometrist. A response letter with testing results should be forwarded to the Health Office. 

Height, Weights and BMI’s are done in Grades 1, 4, 7 and 10 to monitor growth and development.  Please notify the school nurse in writing by the end of September if you do NOT wish for your child to participate in the BMI screening. A request to not participate must be received each year that you opt out of the screening.  If you would like a copy of your child’s BMI results, please let the nurse know and a copy will be forwarded to you.

Miscellaneous: Please do not send cough drops into school with your child. Cough drops may contain medication (which requires a doctor's order) or pose a choking hazard. Instead of cough drops, we recommend sending in a water bottle so your child can take frequent sips of water to soothe a sore throat or dry cough.

Proper foot wear is necessary to help prevent injuries during outdoor recess. Students that wear flip-flops or shoes without backs will NOT be permitted to use the playground equipment or athletic fields / courts.  Students should also come to school dressed for the weather as students go out for recess or for physical education.


Policies and Procedures:

Forms & Requirements:

Decorative Image Only

Important Mental Health Updates from the Westport Community Schools

Please click on the logo above for full details. 

Health Office Staff

Nicole Machado

Titles: Nurse - WES

Teresa Babb

Titles: RN- WMS

Suzanne Walinski

Titles: Nurse - WHS

Kerri Taylor

Titles: LPN - Distric

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